
Maintaining your child's oral hygiene

It is extremely important to take care of your child's oral hygiene, inspite the fact that the milk teeth will eventually fall off.

Never ignore any signs of cavity/caries in their milk teeth and consult your dentist immediately. There are various preventive measures that are present, like fluoride application, pit and fissure sealants that your dentist can do for your little one.

Follow to the proper regime of brushing and flossing or using a water flosser at home. Inculcate the habit of rinsing after eating or drinking anything (apart from water). Limit their sugar intake and in-between meals snacking.

Your child's first visit to the dentist should be when they pop their first tooth, to learn the correct way of cleaning gum pads and building healthy habits. For kids with braces, it is extremely important to take extra care of their teeth and oral hygiene as there is a higher percentage of incipient caries that is seen in them, around the brackets.